How to get more followers on Twitter
If you've just created your Twitter account or have put little effort into optimising your existing account, be patient and take your time. You don't get a profile with a strong tweet reach overnight. However, if you approach the task with the necessary ambition and take the following tips to heart, your chances of finding Twitter followers or getting new Twitter followers and thus gaining a long-term foothold in the Twitter network are good.
optimise your profile Create a meaningful and complete profile! Your profile picture and the information you provide tell potential followers who they are dealing with. Put the brand, the product or what makes you or your company stand out in style. Don't see the self-description as a tedious obligation, but see it as an opportunity to positively distinguish yourself from the competition.
link Twitter with your own website and social media Use the option of integrating a tweet button on your website. This will take visitors to your site directly to your Twitter profile. If your company is also represented in other social media, it is advisable to link to your Twitter account in these as well (and vice versa).
varied, content-rich tweets You will gain more followers on Twitter if your tweets offer added value. Before following you, interested users are likely to read older posts from you first, so aim for high quality throughout. Take your time to find varied and interesting topics - also regularly rely on exclusive links and multimedia content.
tweet regularly and at the right time Topicality is the Twitter keyword par excellence. Your followers don't want to be supplied with sporadic messages, but with regular posts. Try to keep your tweet workload permanent and publish at least two tweets per day (rather more). Orientate yourself with regard to the time of publication above all to your readers, who from experience pay attention to Twitter before work and after work. Also consider posting tweets at the weekend.
5 Use hashtags By thematically assigning your tweet with the help of the double cross (#), your post will be listed in the search for the respective keyword. Through these so-called hashtags, you may gain one or two followers whom you would not have reached otherwise. However, you should not use too many or even misleading or off-topic hashtags - it is important to find the right balance here.
followers yourself When you get new Twitter followers, you should return their favour and follow them as well, otherwise there is a risk that they will quickly unsubscribe from your channel. In addition, this way you also secure the possibility that your posts will be publicly replied to and your tweet will gain reach as a result. Conversely, you may also gain a follower if you followed them first.
clean up your followers While cleaning up your account will rarely be necessary at first, this aspect becomes increasingly important as your follower count grows. To avoid follower limits, you should periodically remove accounts from your list that have not followed you back. If at some point your list is too large and confusing, tools such as Friend or Follow can help you with useful filtering and sorting methods.
communication To benefit from networking through Twitter, there is no easier way than to seek and maintain contact with users of the short message service. Get involved in interesting and topical issues, share posts from other users that you think are worth sharing, and thank people for retweeting your posts.
The tips listed cover only a small spectrum of the numerous optimisation possibilities with which you can gain more followers for your own Twitter account. The more extensive and time-consuming your work with the communication service becomes, the more useful special tools for maintaining the Twitter account become. Such programmes for administration, tweet publication and statistical evaluation are very helpful at the latest when you have several thousand followers.
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